Waggy Tails Ltd-Waggy Tails Ltd

Waggy Tails Ltd

Puppy Training Group Classes
Advanced Training Group Classes
1-2-1 Individual Training
Fun Agility

We hold dog training and puppy socialisation classes every thursday evening at Buriton near Petersfield, Hampshire, and a variety of training classes and workshops at our training centre in Hambledon. Established in 2002, we have helped thousands of dogs to be well trained and to have happy and fulfilled relationships with their owners.  Our instructors are all qualified with the  APDT  and only use positive, reward based training methods. We believe a clicker and a pot of titbits to be much more effective training aids than a check chain or electric collar!

Find out about the club here on our website, club members check the club news section for the latest updates on what's happening. Waggy Tails Ltd, who organise the club's admin, also offer 1-2-1 dog training and occasional workshops and courses to help with specific problems. 

Puppy Group
Agility for Fun
Dog Training

Please check our YouTube page for free activities 

Puppy group times:-

Buriton - Thursday evenings 6.30pm 
Hambledon - Wednesday evenings 6pm

Classes available (as at March 2024):-

Hambledon (wednesday evenings)
Buriton (thursday evenings)
Basic Training:-
Hambledon (monday mornings & wednesday evenings) 
Buriton (thursday evenings)
Advanced Training:-
Hambledon (monday and wednesday daytime) 
Buriton (thursday evenings)
Agility for fun - Hambledon, Monday afternoon & evenings + Wednesday afternoons
Competitive Obedience - Details on request
Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Hambledon, various classes 
Tricks for fun - Hambledon, Monday afternoon
Rally Obedience - Hambledon, Monday afternoon
Brain Games - Monday afternoons
Problem Dogs - Details on request
Canine Fitness Gym - Details on request
TV & Film skills for dog - Details on request
Assisance Dog Training - Details on request
Recall Training Workshop - Summer months only - Details on request
Rehomes & rescues - Details on request
Address for classes:-
Waggy Tails, Wallops Wood, Sheardley Lane, Droxford, SO32 3QY